War of the Buttons

by Jonathan Dorf

About the Play

Drama. 90-100 minutes. 2 females, 10-14 males (12-16 performers possible, with some gender-flexibility). Suitable for middle school and older performers, and middle-upper elementary and older audiences.

A free adaptation of Louis Pergaud's novel La Guerre des Boutons, War of the Buttons was developed at the Haverford School.  

The author grants productions pre-approval to make cuts to meet time limits and community standards regarding profanity and obscenity for Texas UIL and other one-act competitions.

Qty Price Total
Digital Perusal Script $9.50 $0.00
Performance Royalties $85.00 $0.00
Production Copy License $105.00 $0.00
Classroom Copy License $115.00 $0.00
Single Scene-Monologue Showcase Royalty $5.00 $0.00
Bronze Package $95.00 $0.00
Silver Package $130.00 $0.00
Gold Package $180.00 $0.00
Platinum Package $235.00 $0.00
Diamond Package $325.00 $0.00
Fundraising Add-On $95.00 $0.00

Professional rights should be negotiated directly with YouthPLAYS at info@youthplays.com.


When the local ice cream factory goes under and sends a small town to the brink of ruin, its children do the only thing they can: they fight, launching a button-cutting war against the students of the prep school that is gradually buying up their parents' property. But when Charlie, leader of the townies, gets abandoned by his work-seeking parents and has to hide out in the abandoned factory, will he and his friends find a way to save the day, or will all—including Charlie himself—be lost?