Lit on Fire: Twelve Short Parodies of Reading List Classics

by Hillary DePiano, Jonathan Dorf, Jeff Goode, Arthur M. Jolly, Laura King, Laura Lewis-Barr, Rex McGregor, Dylan Schifrin, Keegon Schuett, Abigail Taylor-Sansom, Jeri Weiss and Don Zolidis

About the Play

Performable Comedy Collection. 120-140 minutes (flexible). 6+ females, 4+ males (11-100+ performers possible—8 or fewer if not all 12 plays are produced). High school and older performers (with many plays being suitable for advanced middle school performers), and middle school and older audiences.

The plays may be performed in any order (and with any titles left out). To perform any play in this collection individually, please visit its dedicated page.

Plays include The Complete Novels of Jane Austen: Now New and Improved! by Hillary DePiano; The Frankenstein Revenge Society by Dylan Schifrin; Smitten by Jeri Weiss; HKFN: The Abbreviated Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Jeff Goode; Hipster Van Winkle by Abigail Taylor-Sansom; Moby (No Last Name Given) by Arthur M. Jolly; Who Remembers Éponine's Sister? by Rex McGregor; The War on Little Women by Laura King; Odysseus Comes Home by Laura Lewis-Barr; Count Spatula by Keegon Schuett; Great Expectations, or What I Did On My Summer Vacation by Jonathan Dorf; and Everything you need to know about The Scarlet Letter in 10 minutes or less by Don Zolidis.

Qty Price Total
Printed Script $16.00 $0.00
Digital Perusal Script $17.00 $0.00
Performance Royalties $100.00 $0.00
Production Copy License $115.00 $0.00
Classroom Copy License $215.00 $0.00
Bronze Package $110.00 $0.00
Fundraising Add-On $110.00 $0.00

Professional rights should be negotiated directly with YouthPLAYS at


They may have appeared on your high school reading list, or maybe only in your nightmares, but now twelve YouthPLAYS authors are striking a match and burning down the classics...with their pens and computer keyboards. Whether it's the complete works of Jane Austen gone full-on Hollywood, Count Dracula as a cafeteria cook, or Huck Finn running away from his story only to have it catch up with him again—to name just a few—get ready to light up the literary canon with this scorchingly funny new collection.