Hank & Gretchen: A Modern Retelling of Hansel & Gretel; or Because Candy is That Good

by Stacy Davidowitz and Mark T Evans

About the Play

Musical Comedy. Book and lyrics by Stacy Davidowitz, music by Mark T Evans. 60-75 minutes. 8-15 females, 8-15 males (23-75+ performers possible). Suitable for elementary school and older.

Note about the score: 
A perusal copy of the score that may be printed once is included as part of a Digital Perusal Script, while printed scripts contain a link to a non-printable digital perusal copy of the score. A score that may be printed, copied and used in performance comes with the order of a Production Copy License (or a Classroom Copy license for classroom study only).

Premiered at Chatterton Elementary School, Chatterton-On-Stage (Merrick, NY - Long Island)

Qty Price Total
Printed Script $9.25 $0.00
Digital Perusal Script $10.75 $0.00
Performance Royalties $80.00 $0.00
Production Copy License $110.00 $0.00
Classroom Copy License $115.00 $0.00
Bronze Package $90.00 $0.00
Silver Package $130.00 $0.00
Gold Package $180.00 $0.00
Platinum Package $235.00 $0.00
Diamond Package $325.00 $0.00
Fundraising Add-On $90.00 $0.00

Professional rights should be negotiated directly with YouthPLAYS at info@youthplays.com.


Candy is money. Money is candy. Candy is dangerously addictive. And no one knows where it's coming from. While on a forced vacation to visit their witch step-grandmother Baba Yaga, Hank and Gretchen are about to be made into the most poisonous candy to date. Will young Sally Soda Pop save her best friends with sugar-driven energy and unwavering loyalty? Will Barbie Yaga find the love in her heart to free herself from her mother's evil Tic Tac popping spell? Will homeless, candy addict Sugar Daddy discover his purpose and long-lost familial roots? Narrated by an inflicted, conflicted foursome of grandparents, Hank & Gretchen tells the story of family and friends, health and control, and an economy that rides on chocolate.

"Having the opportunity to direct the first production of Hank & Gretchen was really exciting... The show lent itself well to children—the candy aspect really drew them in, while the story still presented layers for the cast to explore. This show really piqued their interest in theatre overall." - Shira and Loni Stein, Co-Directors of Chatterton-on-Stage

Music Files

Click on the titles below to hear MP3 demo recordings. (Be aware that these are big files.)