Alice on the Other Side

by Matt Buchanan

About the Play

Musical. 90-100 minutes. 6-30+ females, 6-30+ males (12-50+ performers possible). Suitable for middle school and older performers, and elementary or older audiences. Unit or multiple sets.

Note about the score: A perusal copy of the score that may be printed once is included as part of a Digital Perusal Script, while printed scripts contain a link to a non-printable digital perusal copy of the score. A score that may be printed, copied and used in performance comes with the order of a Production Copy License (or a Classroom Copy license for classroom study only).

Adapted from Lewis Carroll's
Through the Looking Glass.

Qty Price Total
Printed Script $9.25 $0.00
Digital Perusal Script $10.75 $0.00
Performance Royalties $85.00 $0.00
Production Copy License $110.00 $0.00
Classroom Copy License $115.00 $0.00
Musical Tracks $75.00 $0.00
Bronze Package $95.00 $0.00
Silver Package $130.00 $0.00
Gold Package $180.00 $0.00
Platinum Package $235.00 $0.00
Diamond Package $325.00 $0.00
Fundraising Add-On $95.00 $0.00

Professional rights should be negotiated directly with YouthPLAYS at


All the favorite characters and 13 original songs, many of whose lyrics are adapted directly from Carroll's poems, make this a fun night out for the audience and an exciting challenge for young performers. Follow Alice as she wonders, and then investigates, what life is like on the other side of the looking glass. Is it more exciting? Will she be more important? Alice meets a host of colorful characters, including Humpty Dumpty, the White Knight, Tweedle Dee and Tweedly Dum, and a Lion and a Unicorn. She even briefly becomes Queen. Still, in the end she comes to realize that as exotic as it might be, the "other side" is no substitute for home.

Music Files

Click on the titles below to hear MP3 demo recordings. (Be aware that these are big files.)