Go Solo: Contemporary Monologues for Young Actors

by The Playwrights of YouthPLAYS

About The Book

Monologues can be beautiful. They can transport a play and the audiences watching it to another place and time, offer special insights into characters and the journeys on which they find themselves, and change the rhythm of a play's "music." On a practical level, monologues are ideal for auditions, classroom work and competitions. In this collection, you'll find more than six dozen monologues from plays published by YouthPLAYS. Within that context, you'll find a great deal of variety. There are serious pieces and more comic ones, opportunities for female actors and ones for males, and shorter monologues and longer ones, making for a large group of age-appropriate, challenging and diverse choices for young actors ranging from middle school through university.

Authors include: Vishesh Abeyratne; Nicole B. Adkins; Evan Baughfman; Kaci Beeler and Amy Gentry; Dan Berkowitz; Kenyon Brown; Matt Buchanan; Maura Campbell; Jonathan Dorf; Kelly DuMar; Julia Edwards; Jeff Goode; Don Goodrum; Leanne Griffin; Rose Helsinger; Maria Hernandez, Emma Rosecan and Alexis Stickovitch; Arthur M. Jolly; Nambi E. Kelley; Christian Kiley; Kris Knutsen; Steve Lambert; Carol S. Lashof; Hayley Lawson-Smith; Barbara Lindsay; John P. McEneny; Jessica McGettrick; Rex McGregor; Tara Meddaugh; Hollie Michaels; Rebecca Moretti; Robin Pond; John Rotondo and Maryann Carolan; Amelia Ross; Isabella Russell-Ides; Keegon Schuett; Hannah Estelle Sears; Madelyn Sergel; Ed Shockley; Tom Smith; Donna Spector; Randy Wyatt; Nelson Yu; and Don Zolidis.

Available as a paperback book for individual use or as an ebook that includes a photocopy license for classroom use.

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